Tuesday, April 12, 2016

BP: Designer Profiles 7/8

Designer Profile 7: Melody Jackson

Place of Employment:

            Melody is currently working as an architect for various companies and is also a Professor for the College of Design here at the University of Kentucky.


            During her time in high school Melody wanted to be a Physician as well as one day become an Astronaut. She loves space because of the sense of discovery that space offers. During her early years at the University of Kentucky she enrolled in several pre-med classes but became inspired by the famous Leonardo Davinci. She then transferred to the school of Architecture. She attended Graduate School at Cornell. After Graduate school she began her career of painting using forms of collage with hidden messages. She manifested time as well as space in her paintings.  

Current Position in Design:

            Melody was the Art Director for the World Equestrian Games in 2010. She has also painted several of her designs onto barrels of whisky. She has also worked on a top secret project for NASA. She has designed a thirty-acre park as well as portions of a trade show in Las Vegas. She is currently working on the design for the new Bluegrass Stock Yards. She has also a more personal side of design.

            She has designed her own house as well as annual mixtapes for her children birthdays.

Speculation about where design will be heading:

            Melody believes that the future of design will be completed through the means of virtual reality. She believes that design can be illustrated through hand drawings, computer renderings as well virtual reality.

Designer Profile 8: Lindsey Fay

Place of Employment:

            Lindsey currently works in the School of Interiors here at the University of Kentucky.


            Lindsey hails from Pennsylvania. She has had an interest in design and art since the second grade. She created an indoor/outdoor ski resort while she was in middle school. She attended undergraduate school at the University of Kentucky. She came to the University of Kentucky originally wanting to study dietetics and nutrition. She then changed her major to interior design because it was her passion and she felt at home in this field. She attended graduate school at the University of Cincinnati.

Current Position in Design:

            Lindsey has practiced design at Lake Tahoe for five years. She participates in what she titles a Post Occupancy Evaluation which consists of going into a building six months after it is completed to learn how the building supports the inhabitants. An example of this would be the new University of Kentucky Hospital. The main concept of a Post Occupancy Evaluation is to determine if the design of a building functions efficiently and if it does then designers need to continue to replicate that design. If the design of the building does not function efficiently then designers need to avoid using that design again.

Speculation about where design will be heading:

            Lindsey believes that the future of design will be leaning toward social responsibility when looking at design. An example of this would be the Tom’s shoes.

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