Sunday, January 24, 2016

BP: Object

American National Character as explained in the online class lecture is compiled of characteristics such as highly mobile, free-thinking and athletic. These are the characteristics that I will be explaining in this blog post.

The first characteristic that I will be explaining is highly mobile. To help explain the highly mobile characteristic I chose the once very popular pager. The pager eliminated the need for phone calls and introduced the invention of texting. Instead of picking up the phone and calling someone people would send messages directly to the persons pager which would then be read by the user. The pager was a compact device that could be clipped on the users belt which made it highly mobile.

Pager. Digital image. Amazon. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Jan. 2016. <>
The second characteristic that I will be explaining is free-thinking. To help explain the free-thinking characteristic I chose the boombox. The invention of the boombox allowed music to be played on a device that was portable. While not able to fit in the pocket of the user the boombox was easily carried on the shoulder of the user. The user would often walk with their boombox on their shoulder playing their favorite music at high volumes for all those around them to hear. I find this explains the free-thinking characteristic quite well because owners of a boombox played their favorite music without a care of who was listening.
Boombox. Digital Image. IMDB. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Jan 2016. <>

 The third characteristic that I will be explaining is athletic. To help explain the athletic characteristic I choose the popular Converse all star. When these shoes were first introduced they were worn by athletes all over the United States. They were THE athletic shoe. If you were an athlete you wore Converse all stars. If you saw a person walking down the street and they were wearing all stars you automatically assumed they were an athlete of some sort. That is the influence these shoes had on people. Even today these shoes are still quite popular among athletes.

Converse All Star. Digital Image. Wanelo.N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Jan 2016. <>

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